
3 aprilie, 2017

Representatives of several American companies handed over to Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, Wednesday, a „roadmap” containing provisions on the rule of law, transparency and efficiency, „that your government to consider,” said the head of the US delegation, Eric Stewart, Chairman of the American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO), quoted by Agerpres.

„Rule of law, transparency and efficiency are included in a roadmap that we presented to the two governments (US and Romania, editor’s note)” and are parts of an approachextremely normal in doing business for the priorities to be clearly focused for both governments,” said Eric Stewart after a meeting organized Wednesday morning with the Romanian Prime Minister.

The US official mentioned the progress made „on all these issues” and the American companies’ confidence that „when they do business in Romania, everything is fair, legal and transparent.

Education would still be among Romania’s competitive advantages as well as the warm welcome that the US companies enjoy in Romania, unlike „certain countries”, according to the Chairman of the American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO).

„We hope for our economic relationship to become as good as the political one,” concluded Eric Stewart, adding that the roadmap presented to the Romanian Prime Minister has been prepared by AMRO along with „many experts from Washington who are familiar with the business sector and Romania”, according to Agerpres.

„That was not a courtesy meeting. There have been discussed concrete things, concrete projects that we can and shall develop in the coming years,” said Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu at the end of the meeting with Eric Stewart, without detailing on the projects.

Today and tomorrow there will be meetings between ministers and the representatives of the companies present today, related to businesses in the healthcare, defence, transport, energy and finance fields, „leading to what we aim to, namely concrete steps to strengthen the strategic partnership that Romania has with the US,” said Sorin Grindeanu, quoted by Agerpres.

This delegation comprising the 12 US companies is the strongest among all those that visited Romania in the recent years, mentioned Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu.

The composition of the US delegation has not been communicated, but Amerocap, Cargill, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Medtronic, Mega Company, MetLife, Oshkosh Defense, Parsons, Pfizer and Smithfield attended the preliminary meeting that prepared this mission, which has been hosted by the Romanian Embassy in Washington.

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