To give a clearer idea of the economic impact of special pensions, we give you the data found about the payment situation in April 2017.
We point out that it would be desirable to receive clarifications and a transparent monthly announcement on this information that became of broad public interest lately.
- Statistics on the beneficiaries of special laws (service pensions), April 2017
- Cetagrory beneficiaries average pention (lei)
- Total from BASS from state budget
- Diplomats
- Parliamentary officers
- Civil aeronautics personnel
- Prosecutors and judges
- Auxiliary personnel from courts and prosecutor’s offices
- Beneficiaries from the Court of Auditors
The comparison should be made between these amounts and the average pension of 981 lei, officially published by the National House of Public Pensions (CNPP) also for April 2017. Or, if you want to be more rigorous about the notion of pensioners, with the amount of 1,121 lei paid on average to people who have reached the legal age of retirement.
If we look at the table, we can see that the pensions received by the beneficiaries of the special pensions could have been significantly higher than the national average for normal pensions even if they would have been calculated based only on the contributory principle, namely the money received from the State Social Insurance Budget based of the contributions made during the activity.
The very large gap, which reaches about an order of magnitude between special and ordinary pensions, comes from the significant percentages supplemented (see the red column) from the state budget, based on laws voted by the Parliament. Obviously, not the principle is the problem but the amounts that defy the pensions of the other Romanian taxpayers.
A certain supplementary pension, supported by the state for special categories, is found in other states as well, but not to such proportions. In our country, because of some negligently voted laws (not to say otherwise) there are increasingly more categories that benefit from special pensions at ages starting from 45-50 (the record goes to 40 years of age), laws against which there was nobody to protest at the time of their adoption, to make a calculation in terms of sustainability or social equity.
Added to this, the possibility to cumulate the salary and pension, also from the budget (the possibility eliminated by the Boc government and reintroduced by the Ponta government). More recently, it is no longer clear which of the two is higher, because there have been reports of cases in which the aberration was that the pension was higher (absolutely in accordance with the law) than the salary based on which it has been established.
Although the pension budget deficit has reached (not just because of special pensions) about 4 billion euros per year, which makes the special pensions a sensitive issue. It should be also noteworthy mind that in 2006 and 2007, specifically when we joined the EU, this deficit did not exist.
Estimates of the state-funded amounts for special pensions show that this is about 70 million euros per month, which results in just over 0.1% of the country’s annual GDP. It does not seem much but it is clear that „there goes the lion’s share.” Discreetly, after the media wave of public indignation goes away.
But the main problem with the special pensions is another one. Not so much the excessively large amounts received by the beneficiaries compared to the possibility of the economy, as the implicit message of indifference and defiance transmitted to the society. That is, to pensioners and employees who earn incomes „adapted to the possibilities”, as Nenea Iancu said.
These people, encouraged by the extra amounts coming from the state budget, far above the level that would be correlated with the level of the economic development, are also pushing for obtaining as much as possible. Which risks destabilizing the exchange rate of the national currency, which has remained almost unchanged in the last five years, as well as the economic activity.
It is precisely the source of the social benefits that the state offers with a suspicious generosity to some limited categories. Because this is what all pensions should be, including special pensions. Benefits, not selective privileges offered while despising those who fuel them with their daily work or defying the large mass of pensioners.