On Thursday, the appointed Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, presented to colleagues from the National Office the document that he will submit to the Parliament, which contains the measures he considers in case that his government will be sworn.
The government program provides for the correction of the laws in the judiciary field, the professionalization of the public administration, the strengthening of the rule of law and democracy, the fight against corruption, the increase of quality in education, the improvement of health services, the economic development on sound bases, the maintenance of Euro-Atlantic orientation in the foreign policy and the increase of EU funds absorption rate.
Among the urgent measures announced by this program:
- Adoption of the Emergency Ordinance on the Government restructuring
- Ensuring conditions for the proper organization of presidential elections on November 10 and November 24
- The nomination of Romania’s candidate for European Commissioner position
- Amending the Law on the State Budget and the Law on the Public Social Insurance Budget for 2019
- Drafting the bills for the Law on the State Budget and the Law on the Public Social Insurance Budget for 2020
- Organization of the residency exam for medical school graduates
- Preparing the transport infrastructure and the energy sector for the winter period
- Approval of the bill for the law on repealing the compensatory appeal and the consolidation of the probation service for monitoring conditionally released prisoners
- Initiation of procedures for appointing the members of the prosecutor’s offices management
- Prorogation of the entry into force of provisions on the retirement of magistrates as of January 1, 2020
- Declassification of documents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs needed for investigating August 10 File
- Adoption of measures needed for avoiding the risk of disengagement of European funds and solving the situations that are the subject of infringement procedures
The program also lists the main objectives of public investment:
- Completion of procedures and the start of construction works on Sibiu – Pitesti Highway, the capital city beltway and Pitesti – Craiova expressway
- Starting procedures for the construction of Tg.Mures – Iasi – Ungheni highway with European funds and the completion of procedures for the construction of Comarnic – Brasov highway under a public-private partnership
- Completion of procedures and starting constructions of regional hospitals in Iasi, Craiova and Cluj with European funds
- Connecting investment programs for the development of local communities with the programs financed with European non-reimbursable funds within 2021 – 2027 multiannual financial period.
The document states:
As a general objective, the government program of the National Liberal Party for 2020 states the preparation of reforms necessary for Romania to enter a new stage, the modernization in a European way of public institutions and services.
The main directions will be the professionalization of the public administration, strengthening of the rule of law and democracy, fight against corruption, increase in the quality of education, improvement of health services, economic development on a sound basis, maintenance of the Euro-Atlantic orientation in the foreign policy.
One of the main objectives is to rebuild citizens’ trust in public institutions.
An audit of public institutions is mandatory, as a prerequisite for modernizing the public administration and putting civil servants in the service of citizens. Transparency, integrity, fairness, professionalism and efficiency are the values on which the public administration will be based again. The public system will no longer be reserved for incompetents and personal connections, as it happened in the PSD government.
Correction of laws in the judiciary field is necessary in order to eliminate toxic changes promoted by the PSD over the last three years. Justice should no longer be stopped at the Parliament’s door by amendments that are in favour of politicians with issues.
This legislation must comply with the highest European standards, that is to be in line with the opinions issued by the Venice Commission, the Consultative Councils of European Judges and Prosecutors, as well as the reports of the European Commission and GRECO, following a wide public consultation with practitioners in the field.