An order by the ANAF President amends the regulations for cancelling the registration for VAT purposes, respectively repeals the procedure for the cancellation of the VAT code for the inactive companies.
The provisions in question are included in OpANAF 2899/2017 on approving the procedure for the ex-officio change of the VAT related tax vector, as well as the template and content of some forms, published in the Official Gazette on October 10.
„The cancellation of the VAT registration for companies that have not submitted VAT returns for six consecutive months, for taxable persons who have monthly tax periods, or two consecutive quarters for companies having a quarterly tax period, are filled in and detailed if these companies apply the VAT system on cash receipt. In this sense, when the VAT registration is cancelled, the company will also be removed from the Register of entities that apply the VAT system on cash receipt,” said Adrian Benta, tax consultant quoted by Hotnews.
The procedure for the cancellation of the VAT registration is maintained for other cases provided by the Tax Code, such as:
- declaring the tax inactivity of a company;
- administrators or, where applied, shareholders or the legal persons have contraventions or offenses registered in the tax record, provided by the economic legislation as grounds for cancelling the VAT code;
- no VAT transactions recorded in six months in the VAT returns submitted
- the company has a tax risk.