
The execution of the general consolidated budget in the first eight months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 54.77 billion (5.18% of GDP, an increase by half a percentage point of GDP compared to July), of which...
5 octombrie, 2020
The implementation of the consolidated budget in the first five months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 38.8 billion (3.59% of GDP), of which almost half was generated by “the amounts left in the economic environment through...
28 iunie, 2020
The Fiscal Council announced on Wednesday, the day when the Government adopted the draft budget amendment without the opinion from CSAT, that it considers the proposed increase in the VAT revenues included in the updated budget amendment (solely...
9 septembrie, 2018
The Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies has increased ten times the threshold of the outstanding VAT obligations from which companies will automatically be added to the split payment system after the opposition has argued against the...
4 decembrie, 2017
Prime Minister Tudose announced on Thursday that the split VAT measure will apply only to companies with problems: A fair decision: not the split payment would have solved the (VERY BIG) problem of the VAT in Romania.
22 octombrie, 2017
An order by the ANAF President amends the regulations for cancelling the registration for VAT purposes, respectively repeals the procedure for the cancellation of the VAT code for the inactive companies. The provisions in question are included in...
16 octombrie, 2017
Carefully supervised by Liviu Dragnea, Darius Valcov, the PSD’s expert in writing and observing the government roadmap, has fulfilled his mission again and delivered in time a new government program. The Tudose government program is a revised and amended...
3 iulie, 2017
The 2017-2020 convergence program approved Friday by the Government includes the measure of introducing a split VAT payment mechanism as of 1 July. The Minister of Finance Viorel Stefan (photo) explained this initiative to, ensuring that this...
14 mai, 2017
The optimistic figures announced by Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu last Thursday regarding the increase in tax collection seem to be based on a forced „loan” from companies for the state. The data announced by the prime minister, corroborated...
1 mai, 2017
On Thursday, the Government amended and supplemented the methodological norms for implementing the Tax Code, mainly on the corporate income tax, micro-enterprise income tax, income tax, compulsory social contributions and value added tax. The amendments, according to the...
1 mai, 2017
ANAF announced Thursday that will launch inspections starting in April that will include institutions from the financial and banking sector, with the aim of checking the legality and compliance of the tax declarations, the accuracy of determination of...
12 martie, 2017
România conduce detașat în topul european al evaziunii fiscale prin nepalata TVA, potrivit unui studiu al Comisiei Europene. Între TVA-ul care ar putea fi maxim colectat în mod teoretic și cel efectiv corectat există o diferență procentuală de...
23 iunie, 2014


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