President Klaus Johannis said on Tuesday at the end of CSAT that the multinational brigade agreed at NATO summit in Warsaw, in July, will operate at Craiova and will be based on the Infantry Brigade II “Rovine”.
The meeting lasted over four hours and took place without Mihai Razvan Ungureanu (who resigned on Monday from SIE and was replaced in CSAT by Silviu Predoiu, as interim head of SIE), but in the presence of Bogdan Tudorache, the new Minister of Internal Affairs.
The multinational brigade
The proposal for the brigade to operate at Craiova was made by the Ministry of Defense, as a distinct part of the action plan regarding the implementation of the measures agreed at the NATO summit in Warsaw.
„The multinational brigade was a separate topic on the agenda, because it involves decisions that must be taken and will be validated separately in CSAT. I can announce you, as a first, that very important steps have been made to implement this decision, namely the Ministry of National Defense has decided which unit will be the basis in Romania for the multinational brigade. The 2nd Infantry Brigade „Rovine” will take over the role of the multinational brigade. This brigade is based in Craiova and the multinational brigade will also be located there, „said the President in a press conference held at the end of CSAT.
The President did not want to mention other country that will participate in the brigade, apart from Bulgaria and Poland:
„At this stage, it is not appropriate to tell you with whom we also negotiate; we shall make the announcement when we know for sure who and what military will contribute to the brigade, how the brigade will look like, because that also depends on how NATO sees it,” said Johannis.
Johannis also told that there are great strides made in terms of implementation of the NATO decisions from Warsaw and the working group set up for this implementation at national level presented the whole plan of action, but this is not “for communication”.
Relationship with Moldova
„Moldova is a very important theme for us, that interests me very much,” said Johannis, who added that the relationship with Moldova must become better, more pragmatic, more efficient and more predictable.
Romanian president pointed out that the presidential administration is preparing a strategy in this regard, which will be the result of contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SIE, SRI and Cotroceni Palace.
Johannis also said that the union between Romania and Moldova will be addressed by the strategy, but not in terms of the electoral campaign which will take place on both banks of the Prut.
Romania contributed consistent financing to support the Republic of Moldova, but an even stronger economic cooperation is needed, said the president, adding that support must also be given to the pro-European parties from Chisinau that have difficulties, as one could see in the parliamentary elections.
„ROMARM reorganization is needed”
President Klaus Johannis said on Tuesday after the CSAT meeting, that there is a need for a reorganization of the National Company ROMARM.
„We need a reorganization of the National Company ROMARM to make it more efficient, credible and large enough to become a serious partner for an investor, especially from abroad. We should correlate the need to equip the Romanian army and the offer that the National Company ROMARM presents „said Johannis at the Cotroceni Palace.
He mentioned that he will work intensively in particular at the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Defense to find these correlations.
In the CSAT meeting, an assessment of the cybersecurity level has also been made.
The President said that the Government is working on a draft law on cybersecurity and it is expected to be finalized by the end of this year, but to enter the debate of the future Parliament.
„It is very likely that this bill to be presented to the next Parliament,” said Johannis at the end of CSAT, adding that the current Parliament is preparing for elections and is going to do less lawmaking.
Johannis also said that the cybersecurity topic should not become a subject of the electoral campaign, especially since such initiatives led in the past to „discussions”.
The President also said that we must reach a level of awareness in this area, to understand why cyber security is important.