London stock exchange

OMV Petrom a anunțat pe site-ul Bursei de Valori București (BVB) că începe procesul de delistare a certificatelor globale de deposit (GDR) de la London Stock Exchenge. Motivul invocat de companie îl constituie dezvoltarea bursei românești, acțiunile listate...
24 august, 2023
Guvernul Italian este pe cale să se alieze cu operatorul bursier transatlantic Euronext pentru a intra în jocul negocierilor legate de vânzarea de către London Stock Exchange (LSE) a Bursei din Milano (Borsa Italiana). Obiectivul final ar fi...
18 august, 2020
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), the operator of London Stock Exchange, announced that it will open a business services centre in Bucharest through the Group’s specialized company, Business Services Ltd (BSL). BSL provides services in technology, database,...
7 mai, 2018
London Stock Exchange (LSE) analysts have identified ten Romanian companies among the 1,000 small and mid-sized firms in Europe that can inspire the others with the recipe of their success. The activities of the ten Romanian companies provide...
17 septembrie, 2017


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