European Semester

Minister Eugen Teodorovici is pressured by the EU to reduce the budget deficit After finding that the Government has done nothing to adjust the deviation from the structural budget deficit, the European Commission now asks Romania for an...
27 noiembrie, 2018
„In the absence of structural reforms and fiscal consolidation, Romania’s strong economic growth risks creating the conditions of a tough landing,” in case of a change of the economic cycle, according to the European Commission’s (EC) country report...
12 martie, 2018
The European Commission (EC) has determined that Romania has not taken efficient measures to „correct its significant deviation from the adjustment plan to achieve the mid-term budgetary objective” (the so-called MTO), according to the EC press release which...
27 noiembrie, 2017
  The European Commission (EC) shows in the 2017 country report on Romania that, by reversing the consolidation trend, the fiscal policy turned pro-cyclical in 2016 and the deficit is widening. Driven by significant tax cuts and expenditure...
27 februarie, 2017


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