
EU countries

According to the revised data published by Eurostat, Romania has fulfilled again (a near-miss) the macro stability requirement set at the European level for the increase in the price of housing. With an arithmetic mean of 6% for...
16 aprilie, 2018
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Eurostat gave us a news that puts us in a very positive light at the level of the European Union: Romania is the European champion of gender equality in the...
12 martie, 2018
Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is considered an important factor of health and balanced diet. However, an Eurostat report warned that more than one third of the population aged 15 and above in the European Union do...
11 decembrie, 2016
According to Eurostat, Romania is the EU champion in labor productivity’s growth percentage over the past decade, with a plus of 42%. We managed to outrun Lithuania (+ 36%), Slovakia (+ 34%), Poland (+ 31%) and Bulgaria (+...
20 octombrie, 2016


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