
The Ministry of Public Finance has contracted government securities worth RON 1.2 billion, of which state bonds maturing in October 2030 covered EUR 801.8 million, and the rest consisted of a discounted issue of treasury certificates, due in...
10 ianuarie, 2021
This article was written on April 15 and has appeared in the May 2020 issue of the publication “Cronicile Curs de Guvernare”. As such, it does not reflect the recent Franco-German initiative, of May 2020, which goes some...
3 iunie, 2020
  The financing costs of Romania and Hungary have increased, while costs of other Central European countries have maintained steady in the last week – with the mention that Romania has, anyway, double yields compared to Hungary. But...
18 februarie, 2018
The Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) wants to raise money to the budget, leu by leu and says that treasury bills, whose issues have already been announced, will have a nominal value of 1 RON. The amount is...
9 octombrie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance borrowed in October nearly 3.68 billion lei from the banks operating in Romania, less than the amount initially planned. The institution planned, according to Agerpres, to borrow 3.905 billion lei in October 2016 from...
31 octombrie, 2016


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